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Provincial Nominee Program - JAVS Immigrations

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Provincial Nominee Program

Provincial Nominee Program

Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a unique program that is applicable for workers who:

  • Either have the work experience, skills and education which can contribute to a specific province’s or territory’s economy
  • Commits to live in the province
  • Wants to become the Canadian PR or permanent resident

Each Canadian Province has its respective requirements and stream i.e. the immigration programs which targets the certain sector). Provinces may target based on the students, skilled workers, skilled workers and others.

Canadian Provinces allowing PNP Programs

If the applicants wants to get selected or nominated by the particular province, then the candidate must follow the eligibility criteria based on the rules as stated in the links below:

How to Apply?

Candidate can apply for the Provincial Nominee Program through 2 ways:

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